Page 174 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
P. 174

 Level 3, University Preparation
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
of a target-language community reflect social bias, and explain their reasoning in an argumentative essay; write a welcome letter to a newcomer to Canada describing daily life in their community; create an ad campaign promoting a cultural celebration in a target-language community; create a brochure on sports in various target-language communities, describing how they are connected
to national identity; write a persuasive text about the consequences of socio-cultural and economic disparity, making connections between Ontario and target-language communities and providing suggestions for more equitable distribution of resources; create a text that imitates the style of
a major work of literature from a target-language community, such as an epic poem)
Teacher prompts: “As you prepare to write your opinion piece, consider the different possible points of view about the issue. What supporting details will corroborate your opinion?” “As you analyse this custom, consider the cultural context. How might culture affect how the custom is perceived?”
D3.2 Awareness of Sociolinguistic Conventions: identify sociolinguistic conventions associated with a variety of social situations in diverse communities where the target language is spoken, and use them appropriately in their written work in the target language (e.g., compose a rap containing common target-language slang or colloquialisms; use the appropriate level of formality when responding to opinions stated in a blog about an environmental or a social issue; compare various target-language words or expressions that have more than one written form, such as national, regional, and slang forms, using a T-chart; create a multimedia text highlighting various regional expressions; produce a budget for a school committee using target- language number and currency formats; write a follow-up note to a potential employer after a job interview, using the appropriate language register)
Teacher prompt: “Where can you find authentic target-language expressions to incorporate into your written work? How can you use them in
a way that avoids stereotypes? How do these expressions expand your cultural explorations?”

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