Page 146 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
P. 146

 Level 2, University Preparation
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
C3.2 Awareness of Sociolinguistic Conventions: identify, in level-appropriate texts in the target language, examples of sociolinguistic conventions associated with a variety of social situations in diverse communities where the target language is spoken (e.g., compare the use of slang and/or colloquialisms and the use of the standard target- language form in posters, cartoons, graphic novels, or advertisements; identify regional vocabulary in a children’s story depicting a cultural celebration; skim a variety of texts to identify formulas to express gratitude, make excuses, or extend invitations
in different target-language communities; skim headlines and advertisements in an online target- language regional newspaper to identify vocabulary unique to the region; discuss similarities and differences in the language used in song lyrics
and poems from two regions)
Teacher prompt: “In what contexts have you found slang in target-language texts? Would you expect to find slang in these text forms in your own community?”

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