Page 143 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
P. 143

community and the one shown in the video? What differences did you note? What connections did your partner find and share?”
B3.2 Awareness of Sociolinguistic Conventions: identify sociolinguistic conventions associated with a variety of social situations in diverse communities where the target language is spoken, and use them appropriately in spoken interactions in the target language (e.g., incor- porate regional expressions into a role play or a presentation; identify and describe some alternatives to standard vocabulary, such as dialect variations; use acceptable body language, physical proximity, and gestures when addressing a culturally diverse audience; conduct research and report on expressions
of greeting and leave taking favoured by adolescents in target-language communities; use the appropriate level of formality to address people in an academic, a personal, a community, or a workplace setting)
Teacher prompts: “Can you share some examples of target-language expressions that adolescents use? How are they similar to or different from expressions that you use yourself?” “How do you address someone whom you do not know in a target-language community in order to ask for information or help?” “How does a shopper’s choice of language change depending on whether a purchase has a fixed or a negotiable price?”
 International Languages

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