Page 109 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
P. 109

Mycenaean tholos tombs and the development of the Roman arch; outline the development and use of mosaics throughout the Roman Empire; evaluate the impact of ancient Egyptian and Greek medical instruments on medical practices in Roman and later cultures; create an outline for a seminar about some ways in which ancient Egyptian art influenced Minoan art; summarize the influence of classical jewellery design and production techniques on the decorative arts of other cultures; trace the role of inscriptions in the spread of writing tools and technologies, such as styli or chisels, through various cultures)
Teacher prompts: “How is the relieving triangle of the Mycenaean tholos tomb connected to the development of the Roman arch?” “What are some examples of public buildings around the world that reflect the design of the Parthenon?” “Why was the development of waterproof cement important?”
E4.2 Reflecting on Connections: describe ways in which their knowledge of classical material culture relates to and enhances their under- standing of other cultures and fields of human activity from classical times to the present (e.g., explain how information about infrastructure for water supply, water use, and waste management provides insight into attitudes towards architectural stability, health, and hygiene in classical societies as compared to later societies; explain how know- ledge of the use of classical architectural styles in public buildings in post-classical societies contributes to an understanding of the political, social, and aesthetic attitudes and engineering capabilities
of those societies)
Teacher prompts: “How was Roman mastery
of water systems important for disease control? What lessons do you think the Roman water systems have for contemporary communities around the world undergoing rapid urbaniza- tion?” “Why do you think ancient Greek and Roman temple design is still used in civic and domestic architecture in many countries today? What might the presence of columns be intended to signal to a modern viewer?”
 Classical Civilization

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