Page 100 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
P. 100

 Grade 12, University Preparation
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
of the triumphal arch, such as the central coffers and the panel reliefs?” “What images would you incorporate in a video about the Parthenon to hold your viewers’ attention and effectively illustrate your subject?”
A4. InterculturalandOtherConnections
Throughout this course, students will:
A4.1 Investigating Connections: develop and outline learning plans to initiate and guide inquiries into the influence of the classical world on the history and culture of later societies, including contemporary societies (e.g., create a learning plan for a group presentation comparing the rights and responsibilities of Roman citizens to the rights and responsibilities of citizens in a modern Western democracy and describing the criteria for citizenship in both systems; formulate questions to guide a project exploring the legacy of Greek and Roman military strategists in later eras)
Teacher prompt: “What questions will you ask and what research materials will you use to show the impact of ancient art on the art of Michelangelo or Rodin?”
A4.2 Reflecting on Connections: determine whether and how their learning about the classical world enhances their understanding of other academic and non-academic areas of life (e.g., explain in what ways their learning about Roman satire is, or is not, helpful for understanding Jonathan Swift’s approach in A Modest Proposal; give examples of ways in which knowledge of Greek and/or Latin vocabulary is helpful or could be helpful in other areas of study, such as medicine, science, language studies, philosophy, and law)
Teacher prompts: “In what ways does Shakespeare demonstrate his knowledge about ancient mythology in A Midsummer Night’s Dream or The Tempest? How does your own study of classical mythology enhance your understanding of the play?” “How does your knowledge of classical mythology help you understand the psychological theories of Sigmund Freud?” “How does an understanding of Roman government help explain the structure of American government?”

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