Page 6 - Choices into Action
P. 6

For their educational, social, and career success in the twenty-first century, students will require effective work habits and the ability to make sound decisions, solve problems, plan effectively, work independently, communicate well, research, evaluate themselves realistically, and explore new educa- tional and career opportunities. A carefully planned guidance and career education program, beginning in the elementary grades and continuing through secondary school, will help students acquire these skills.
Students must learn and develop skills at school that will help them become more independent and responsible individuals. They must be able to apply what they learn in school to other areas of their lives. They must learn to work cooperatively and productively with a wide range of people, to set and pursue education and career goals, to evaluate their achievement of these goals, and to assume their roles as responsible citizens. A comprehensive guidance and career education program will provide students with an under- standing of the concepts in the three areas of learning in the program (student development, interpersonal development, and career development) and with many opportunities to practise new skills in structured and supportive set- tings. It will allow them to learn from their experiences and accomplish- ments, and to apply their skills and knowledge in the classroom, in the school with their peers and teachers, and in the community. It will also involve parents, community partners, teachers, teacher-advisers, guidance counsellors, and community mentors in the program.
The guidance and career education program will help students relate what they learn in school to the community, understand and value education, rec- ognize the learning opportunities available to them, make choices from among those opportunities, and adapt to changing circumstances. It will help them make transitions throughout their lives – from family to school, from school to school, from school to work, and from school to lifelong learning. Through learning activities that emphasize managing time, completing tasks,

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