Page 2 - Choices into Action
P. 2

  Preface 3
 Introduction 5
Rationale 5 Key Features of the Program 6 Goals 6
 Program Considerations 11
Program Planning 11 Meeting the Needs of All Students 12
 Program Delivery Components 14
The Ontario Curriculum – Elementary
and Secondary 14 Orientation and Exit Programs 15 The Annual Education Plan 16 Academic and Career Portfolios 17 The Teacher-Adviser Program 18 Career Exploration Activities 19 Workshops, Seminars, and Small Groups 20 Mentorship Programs 20 Peer Assistance Programs 21
Individual Assistance and Short-Term Counselling 21 Program Advisory Teams 23
  Assessment and Evaluation 24
Reporting to Parents 25 Program-Effectiveness Surveys 25
 Roles and Responsibilities 26
Principals 26 Guidance Counsellors, Teacher-Advisers,
and Other Teachers 27 Students 27 Parents 27 Community Partners 29
 Implementation Schedule 31
 Une publication équivalente est disponible en français sous le
titre suivant : Des choix qui mènent à l’action – Politique régissant
le programme d’orientation et de formation au cheminement de carrière dans les écoles élémentaires et secondaires de l’Ontario, 1999.
This publication is available on the Ministry of Education and Training’s World Wide Web site at

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