Page 15 - Choices into Action
P. 15

 Program Delivery Components
 Principals and teachers use a combination of the following program delivery components to deliver the guidance and career education program and pro- vide students with opportunities to meet the program goals.
The Ontario curriculum is one component through which students achieve the competencies of the guidance and career education program.
Elementary schools. To align the guidance and career education program with the Ontario curriculum, teachers in elementary schools need to ensure that classroom learning across all the grades and subjects provides ample opportunity for students to learn how to work independently (including homework completion), to cooperate with others, to resolve conflicts with others, to participate in class, to solve problems, and to set goals to improve their work.
Secondary schools. Ontario curriculum policy documents include expecta- tions for secondary school students related to the program goals of guidance and career education. In helping students meet these curriculum expecta- tions, teachers will help them make connections among the knowledge and skills acquired in all disciplines. Students will also learn to make connec- tions between the knowledge and skills they are acquiring at school and the knowledge and skills required by postsecondary educational institutions, apprenticeship programs, and employers.
The curriculum document for guidance and career education outlines expec- tations for students in credit courses such as Career Studies, which is a compulsory course.

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