Page 88 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 88

 Grade 9, Academic
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Canadian and World Studies
do municipal taxes both influence and reflect the characteristics of land use in the community?”
Using spatial skills: Students can gain useful insights into land use and land-use planning
by analysing the official plans of various communities to identify features such as low-, middle-, and high-density residential neigh- bourhoods and relate their location to commercial areas, institutions, recreational spaces, and industrial areas. They may also use these maps to identify specialized areas within communities (e.g., entertainment districts, ethnic neighbour- hoods). There is an opportunity as well for students to create their own maps, using the appropriate colour conventions for different types of land use, to show patterns of land
use or to use for land-use analyses.
E3.2 explain how the natural environment may influence land-use patterns within the built environment (e.g., roads tend to be on flatter land; parks are often near water)
Sample questions: “How has the physical site of a community influenced land use within it?” “Are there any physical features within the
community that might have been built (e.g., hills, lakes, waterfront land)? If so, why were they built?”
Using spatial skills: Students can use topographic maps or official plans to analyse relationships between built features and physical features (e.g., waterways and coastal features can influence settlement location and industrial usage; hillsides may be an obstacle to building or an asset for recreational uses; wetlands may be used as flood control reservoirs, recreational areas, wildlife habitat, or, if drained, as building sites).
E3.3 analyse a land-use map or official plan for
a specific community, and describe the spatial significance of the community’s land-use pattern
Sample questions: “Which type of land use takes up the most space in the community?” “Where is most of the commercial space?” “What reasons support having that type of land use in that particular location and not somewhere else?”

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