Page 83 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 83

By the end of this course, students will:
 D1. Population Issues: analyse selected national and global population issues and their implications for Canada (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Patterns and Trends)
D2. Immigration and Cultural Diversity: describe the diversity of Canada’s population, and assess some social, economic, political, and environmental implications of immigration and diversity for Canada (FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Geographic Perspective)
D3. DemographicPatternsandTrends:analysepatternsofpopulationsettlementandvariousdemographic characteristics of the Canadian population (FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Patterns and Trends)
D1. Population Issues
FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Patterns and Trends
By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 analyse the impact of selected population trends on people living in Canadian commun- ities (e.g., aging population increases demand for health care and institutional support; increasing population density affects housing, job, and trans- portation needs; increased number of working parents with responsibilities for both child and elder care affects family life and housing needs; neighbourhoods that consist largely of a single ethnic or cultural group pose challenges to social integration; growth of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit populations increases need for education, housing, health care, infrastructure, and resolution of land claims and rights disputes) and their implications for the future (e.g., aging population will further increase demand for health care, retirement housing, and transit support; increased diversity of newcomers will increase demand for language training)
Sample questions: “Are most communities
in Canada being affected by the same major population trends, or do the trends and impacts vary from one community to another?” “As the number of elderly people increases, what changes will communities have to make to their infra- structure?” “Will today’s major population trends remain important in the future? Why
or why not?”
Using spatial skills: Students can use population pyramids and graphs to help them analyse
the age and sex composition of the Canadian population, make projections of future trends,
and predict related social and economic needs. Proportional arrow flow maps can help them identify trends in the countries of origin of immigrants and their Canadian settlement destinations. This information can be used to predict different kinds of socio-economic needs in different parts of Canada and the kinds of supports required to meet these needs.
D1.2 identify global demographic disparities that are of concern to people living in Canada, and assess the roles of individuals, organizations, and governments in Canada in addressing them (e.g., role of individuals in contributing to charities that provide relief and support to developing countries or in volunteering to assist with aid programs; role of non-governmental organizations in providing relief and supporting development
in developing countries; role of federal government in setting immigration and refugee policies and practices, providing aid to developing countries, and contributing to work of UN agencies such as the World Food Programme and UNESCO)
Sample questions: “How has Canada’s spend- ing on foreign aid changed over the past two decades?” “Why should disparities in health care be of concern to everyone? What role does the World Health Organization (WHO) play in monitoring the spread of disease? What other types of aid are associated with health care?” “What role does the Canadian military play in building international relationships?” “How is Canada involved with the work of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund?”
Using spatial skills: Students can use a Peters projection map, in which the size of land areas is proportional to the magnitude of the variable
   Issues in Canadian Geography

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