Page 27 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 27

Most specific expectations are accompanied by examples and “sample questions”, as requested by educators. The examples, given in parentheses, are meant to clarify the requirement specified in the expectation, illustrating the kind of knowledge or skill, the specific area of learning, the depth of learning, and/or the level of complexity that the expectation entails. The sample questions are meant to illustrate the kinds of questions teachers might pose in relation to the requirement specified in the expectation. Both the examples and the sample questions have been developed to model appropriate practice for the grade and are meant to serve as illustrations for teachers. Both are intended as suggestions for teachers rather than as exhaustive or mandatory lists. Teachers can choose to use the examples and sample questions that are appropriate for their classrooms,
or they may develop their own approaches that reflect a similar level of complexity.
In geography an additional element, “using spatial skills”, follows a number of specific expectations. This element highlights opportunities for students to learn or apply specific spatial skills relevant to the expectations. Whatever the specific ways in which the requirements outlined in the expectations are implemented in the classroom, they must, wherever possible, be inclusive and reflect the diversity of the student population and the population of the province.
The diagram on page 26 shows all of the elements to be found on a page of curriculum expectations.

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