Page 21 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Canadian and World Studies
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The overall aim of the secondary Canadian and world studies program is outlined in the vision statement and goals on page 6.
The Canadian and world studies program offers compulsory courses in geography, history, and civics (politics) in Grades 9 and 10. Students must take one of the Grade 9 geography courses (Issues in Canadian Geography), and one of the Grade 10 history courses (Canadian History since World War I). The Grade 10 course Civics and Citizenship is a half-credit compulsory course.
The Grade 9 and 10 Canadian and world studies program has been designed to ensure continuity with Grade 7 and 8 history and geography. Student learning in Grades 7 and 8 – including that related to content, the inquiry processes, and the concepts of disciplinary thinking – prepares students for the Grade 9 and 10 Canadian and world studies program. Likewise, the courses in this document provide a strong foundation for further study, not only in geography, history, and politics but also in economics and law, the other subjects in the Grade 11 and 12 Canadian and world studies program.
Courses in Canadian and World Studies, Grades 9 and 10
The geography and history courses in the Grade 9 and 10 Canadian and world studies curriculum are offered in two course types: academic and applied. The course types are defined as follows:
• Academic courses develop students’ knowledge and skill through the study of theory and abstract problems. These courses focus on the essential concepts of a subject and explore related concepts as well. They incorporate practical applications as appropriate.
• Applied courses focus on the essential concepts of a subject, and develop students’ knowledge and skills through practical applications and concrete examples. Familiar situations are used to illustrate ideas, and students are given more opportunities to experience hands-on applications of the concepts and theories they study.

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