Page 14 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Canadian and World Studies
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THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Canadian and World Studies
ability to apply the historical inquiry process, gathering, interpreting, and analysing historical evidence and information from a variety of primary and secondary sources in order to investigate and reach conclusions about historical issues, developments, and events.
The study of history in Grade 10 enables students to more fully appreciate Canadian heritage and identity, the diversity and complexity of Canadian society, and the challenges and responsibilities associated with Canada’s position in the world. In doing so, it helps prepare students to fulfil their role as informed and responsible global citizens. The study of history in Grade 10 builds on the knowledge, attitudes, and skills, including thinking skills, developed in history in Grades 7 and 8 and supports the further study of history
in Grades 11 and 12.
The global project of the twenty-first century is political: to engage citizens in and out of government ... in responding to [serious global] challenges...We need a way of understanding politics that embraces citizens both inside and outside of government since each have work that only they can do.
Harold H. Saunders, Politics Is About Relationship: A Blueprint for the Citizen’s Century (2005)
Politics involves the study of how societies are governed, how policy is developed,
how power is distributed, and how citizens take public action. The Grade 10 course Civics and Citizenship focuses on civics, a branch of politics that explores the rights and responsibilities of citizens, the processes of public decision making, and ways in which citizens can act for the common good within communities at the local, national, and/or global level. By focusing on civics and citizenship education, this course enables students to develop their understanding of what it means to be a responsible citizen and to explore various elements of the citizenship education framework.
Civics and Citizenship provides opportunities for students to investigate issues of
civic importance, the roles of different levels of government in addressing these issues, and how people’s beliefs and values affect their positions on these issues. Students will analyse the roles, responsibilities, and influence of citizens in a democratic society and explore ways in which people can make a difference in the various communities to which they belong. Students are encouraged to clarify their own beliefs and values relating to matters of civic and political importance and to explore ways in which they can respond to these matters.
Civics and Citizenship introduces students to the political inquiry process and the concepts of political thinking. Students will develop ways of thinking about civics and citizenship education through the application of these concepts and will use the political inquiry process as they gather, interpret, and analyse data and information relating to issues of civic importance. Students will make informed judgements and draw conclusions about these issues and will develop plans of actions to address them. This course supports the further study of politics in Grades 11 and 12.

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