Page 131 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 131

Sample questions: “Do you think that apologies for past human rights abuses provide adequate redress for past wrongs? Why, or why not?” “What social, economic, and/or political factors might contribute to a decision to commemorate, or to issue an apology for, a violation of human rights?” “What events led to Stephen Harper’s statement of apology to former students of Indian Residential Schools in 2008? Did this apology lead to changes in attitudes towards and/or in policies directed at First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit individuals and communities in Canada? Why or why not?” “What is the significance of the 2016 ruling of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal with respect to inequal- ities in the funding for child welfare services for First Nations children?” “What were the causes of the 2016 inquest into the deaths of First Nations students in Thunder Bay? What was the significance of this inquest?”
E3.4 describe some key developments that have affected Canada’s relationship with the United States since 1982 (e.g., the Canada-U.S. FTA and/or NAFTA; softwood lumber disputes; policies to protect Canadian culture; the International Joint Commission; Canada’s response to 9/11; Canada’s refusal to participate in the Second Gulf War; Canada’s participation in the mission in Afghanistan; issues related to border control;
the Omar Khadr case; Arctic sovereignty), and explain the impact of Canadian-American relations on Canadian identities and heritage
Sample questions: “What impact did Canada’s responses to the Second Gulf War and the military mission in Afghanistan have on our relationship with the United States?” “What role do you think our relationship with the United States plays in Canadians’ view of themselves?”
 Canadian History since World War I

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