Page 127 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 127

By the end of this course, students will:
 E1. Social, Economic, and Political Context: describe some key social, economic, and political events, trends, and developments in Canada from 1982 to the present, and assess their significance for different groups and communities in Canada, including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities (FOCUS ON: Historical Significance; Continuity and Change)
E2. Communities, Conflict, and Cooperation: analyse some significant interactions within and between various communities in Canada, including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities, and between Canada and the international community, from 1982 to the present, and how key issues and developments have affected these interactions (FOCUS ON: Continuity and Change; Historical Perspective)
E3. Identity, Citizenship, and Heritage: analyse how various significant individuals, groups, organizations, and events, both national and international, have contributed to the development of identities, citizenship, and heritage in Canada from 1982 to the present (FOCUS ON: Historical Significance; Cause and Consequence)
E1. Social, Economic, and Political Context
FOCUS ON: Historical Significance; Continuity and Change
By the end of this course, students will:
E1.1 describe various social and cultural trends and developments in Canada since 1982 (e.g., demographic changes, including changes in the family and in immigration; the development of Hollywood North; the rates of incarceration and suicide in First Nations communities; the growth of urban Inuit populations in Canada’s South; the cultural appropriation of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit art, clothing, and ceremonies; developments related to multiculturalism and pluriculturalism; the growth of social and cultural advocacy groups), and assess their significance for people in Canada, including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities
Sample questions: “What was the significance of the deinstitutionalization of people with disabilities in Canada during this period? In what ways was it a change from the treatment of disabled people in the past? Do you think that the practice of deinstitutionalization
was related to larger social trends during
this period?” “What impact have Hollywood
portrayals of Indigenous individuals and communities during this period had on Canadians’ understanding of First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit culture?” “Why have a number of environmental groups developed in Canada since the 1980s? How significant
do you think they have been?” “In what ways did the opening ceremonies for the 2002 Arctic Winter Games reflect an Inuit historical per- spective? How does that event compare to the opening ceremonies for the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics?”
E1.2 identify some major developments in science and technology since 1982 (e.g., personal computers, the Internet, cellphones and“smartphone” technology, digital music, electric and hybrid cars, fossil fuel extraction technologies, cloning, stem cell research, genetically modified foods, developments in alternative energy), and assess their significance for people in Canada, including First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit communities
Sample questions: “What were computers used for in the early 1980s? What are they used for now? How important have these changes been?” “What impact have social media had on the ways in which Canadians communicate? What impact might they have on how students learn?” “What impact have recycling technologies had on consumer habits and attitudes?” “What
 Canadian History since World War I

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