Page 113 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 113

A1.5 use the concepts of historical thinking (i.e., historical significance, cause and consequence, continuity and change, and historical perspective) when analysing, evaluating evidence about, and formulating conclusions and/or judgements regarding historical issues, events, and/or developments in Canada since 1914 (e.g., use the concept of historical significance to assess
the impact of Vimy Ridge on the evolution of Canadian identity; use the concept of cause and consequence when assessing the social, economic, and political context of the Winnipeg General Strike; use the concept of continuity and change when analysing the evolution of the relationship between Canada and Great Britain; use the concept of historical perspective when assessing the motives of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union)
Sample questions: “What is ‘presentism’? How can using the concept of historical perspective help you avoid the trap of presentism?” “What criteria can you use to determine the historical significance of this event? Was the event signifi- cant to everyone at the time? Is it significant to you and/or your community now?” “Which concept or concepts of historical thinking might help you analyse the Canadian government’s decision to forcibly relocate Inuit people in the 1950s?”
A1.6 evaluate and synthesize their findings to formulate conclusions and/or make informed judgements or predictions about the issues, events, and/or developments they are investigating
Sample questions: “Was the federal government justified in invoking the War Measures Act during the October Crisis? How convincing is the evidence in your sources?” “Based on your study of its development, as well as changes
in Canadian society and politics, what do you think is the future of the Canadian welfare state? Why?”
A1.7 communicate their ideas, arguments, and conclusions using various formats and styles, as appropriate for the audience and purpose (e.g., a seminar on Canadian-U.S. relations; an essay on turning points for Indigenous people since 1960; a debate on whether Prime Minister Trudeau’s policies contributed to a“Just Society”; a presentation on the changing roles of women in Canada; a video on social conditions during the Great Depression; a role play on negotiations to patriate the constitution; a project to write the text for a wiki on developments in Canadian culture in the second half of the twentieth century; a blog from the perspective of a soldier in Afghanistan)
A1.8 use accepted forms of documentation
(e.g., footnotes or endnotes, author/date citations, reference lists, bibliographies, credits) to acknow- ledge different types of sources (e.g., archival sources, articles, art works, blogs, books, films or videos, oral evidence, websites)
A1.9 use appropriate terminology when com- municating the results of their investigations (e.g., vocabulary specific to their topics; terminology related to history and to the concepts of historical thinking)
A2. Developing Transferable Skills
Throughout this course, students will:
A2.1 describe several ways in which historical investigation can help them develop skills, including the essential skills in the Ontario Skills Passport (e.g., skills related to reading
text, writing, document use, computer use, oral communication, numeracy), that can be transferred to the world of work and to everyday life
A2.2 apply in everyday contexts skills and work habits developed through historical investigation (e.g., use skills to assess the credibility of sources, understand and appreciate multiple perspectives and engage in informed discussions, detect bias, understand historical context; apply work habits such as collaborating with peers or taking initiative)
A2.3 apply the knowledge and skills developed in the study of Canadian history when analysing current social, economic, and/or political issues (e.g., to determine perspectives or bias in media reports on a current event; to analyse key causes and/or predict possible consequences of a current political policy; to determine ways in which the current responses of Canadians to a specific social issue are similar to or different from their responses in the past), in order to enhance their under- standing of these events and their role as informed citizens
Sample question: “Which historical events might help you more fully understand the issues involved in current debates over resource development projects in Canada and First Nations treaty rights?”
A2.4 identify some careers in which the skills learned in history might be useful (e.g., editor, journalist, lawyer, mediator, museum curator, politician, teacher)
 Canadian History since World War I

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