Page 108 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 108

  Gather and Organize
− collect relevant evidence and information from a variety of primary sourcesa and secondary sources,b
including community sourcesc
− determine if the sources are credible, accurate, and reliable
− identify the purpose and intent of each source
− identify the points of view in the sources they have gathered
− use a variety of methods to organize the evidence and information from their sources
− record the sources of the evidence and information they are using
− decide whether they have collected enough evidence and information for their investigation
 Interpret and Analyse
− analyse evidence and information, applying the relevant concepts of historical thinking (see
preceding chart)
− use different types of graphic organizers to help them interpret and/or analyse their evidence and
− identify the key points or ideas in each source
− interpret maps to help them analyse events, developments, and/or issues
− analyse their sources to determine the importance of the event, development, or issue for individuals
and/or groups
− identify biases in individual sources
− determine if all points of view are represented in the source materials as a whole, and which, if any,
are missing
 Evaluate and Draw Conclusions
− synthesize evidence and information, and make informed, critical judgements based on that evidence,
information, and/or data
− make connections between the past and present
− determine short- and long-term consequences of events, developments, and/or issues for different
individuals, groups, and/or regions
− assess whether an event or action was ethically justifiable, given the context of the time
− reach conclusions about events, developments, and/or issues, and support them with their evidence
− use appropriate forms (e .g ., oral, visual, written, kinaesthetic) for different audiences and purposes
− communicate their arguments, conclusions, and judgements clearly and logically
− use historical terminology and concepts correctly and effectively
− cite sources, using appropriate forms of documentation
 THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Canadian and World Studies
a. Primary sources may include, but are not limited to, artefacts, art works, census data and other statistics, diaries, letters, legislation and policy documents, oral histories, period newspapers, photographs, speeches, treaties, and some maps.
b. Secondary sources may include, but are not limited to, current news and scholarly articles, documentaries and other films, reference books, textbooks, and most websites.
c. Community sources may include, but are not limited to, local museums and heritage sites, and resources from community groups and associations.

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