Page 100 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 100

 Grade 9, Applied
 D1. Population Trends and Their Impacts: assess the impact on Canadian communities of changes in the characteristics of Canada’s population, and describe ways of responding to these changes (FOCUS ON: Patterns and Trends; Geographic Perspective)
D2. Immigration Trends: analyse recent immigration trends in Canada (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Patterns and Trends)
D3. Population Characteristics: describe key characteristics of population settlements in Canada and the major demographic characteristics of the Canadian population (FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Patterns and Trends)
       THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Canadian and World Studies
D1. Population Trends and Their Impacts
FOCUS ON: Patterns and Trends; Geographic Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 assess economic, social, and environmental impacts of major population trends in Canada today (e.g., aging of the population; increasing cultural, linguistic, and social diversity; changes in family structure)
Sample questions: “How will people’s needs change as they get older?” “How will an aging population affect the types of goods and services available in their community?” “What do immigrants need to establish themselves in a new country?” “How are Canadian families changing?”
Using spatial skills: Students can read popula- tion pyramids, graphs, and thematic maps to help them identify patterns and trends related to the aging of the population and assess their consequences. They can also use statistical data to analyse changes in family structures and thematic maps to highlight aspects of cultural diversity in various communities.
D1.2 describe some opportunities (e.g., cultural enrichment, new economic opportunities) and challenges (e.g., communication barriers,
ghettoization) that may arise for communities whose populations come from a diversity
of cultural backgrounds
Sample questions: “In what ways can cultural diversity enrich the life of a community?” “Why might tensions develop between people from different ethnic backgrounds? What strategies might prevent or reduce these tensions?”
D1.3 describe ways in which Canadian society can respond to the needs of a changing population
Sample questions: “Is it better to invest in more nursing homes for the elderly or more home-care support?” “What kinds of support services are available for immigrants? Who provides them?” “How can schools help newcomers?” “What can employers do to help single parents balance work and childcare responsibilities?”
D1.4 analyse population trends in their local community or area, assess related needs, and recommend appropriate responses to those needs
Sample questions: “Are the population trends in your community similar to the trends in Canada as a whole?” “What do you anticipate will be the biggest area of concern in your community as a result of these trends?” “What kinds of business opportunities do you see emerging as a result of the changes taking place in the population of your community?”
By the end of this course, students will:

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