Page 88 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 88

 Grade 11, University/College Preparation
 D1. Producers and Consumers: analyse ways in which producers and consumers participate in the Canadian economy and some ways in which governments affect this participation (FOCUS ON: Economic Significance; Cause and Effect)
D2. Government Intervention: analyse various ways in which governments in Canada intervene in the economy as well as factors that influence this intervention (FOCUS ON: Cause and Effect; Stability and Variability)
D3. Economic Citizenship: explain the roles, perspectives, and influence of various economic citizens in Canada (FOCUS ON: Stability and Variability; Economic Perspective)
  THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
D1. Producers and Consumers
FOCUS ON: Economic Significance; Cause and Effect
By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 demonstrate an understanding of competition with respect to markets and firms (e.g., perfect and imperfect competition, the extent of control
of the market, the degree of control over price, the extent of barriers to entry or exit from the market), and explain how government regulations relating to competition in Canada affect producers and consumers
Sample questions: “What are the similarities and differences between monopolistically competitive and perfectly competitive markets?” “What are the similarities and differences between oligopolies and monopolies?” “What is the significance of the Competition Act and Competition Bureau? How effective do you think they are in terms of promoting competition? What impact do they have on consumers and producers?” “How has government regulation with respect to competition affected the tele- communications or banking sector?”
D1.2 assess the sources and quality of information available to consumers about products on the market in Canada
Sample questions: “Can Canadian consumers be confident in the safety of the products they purchase? Why or why not?” “What information appears on food labels? Do you find this infor- mation useful? Is there any other information that should be included?” “Does the information in advertisements influence what you purchase? How reliable is this information?” “What factors might affect the quality of the information that Health Canada or other government branches provide about products?”
D1.3 describe taxes paid by producers and consumers in Canada (e.g., income tax, sales tax, goods and services tax, property tax, capital gains tax, excise tax, corporate tax), and assess their impact
Sample questions: “What is the difference between progressive and regressive taxes? What differences are there in the impact of these taxes?”
D1.4 assess the role of entrepreneurship in the Canadian economy
Sample questions: “What is the impact of entrepreneurs in small towns? How does this differ from their impact in cities with a larger population base?”
By the end of this course, students will:

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