Page 85 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 85

By the end of this course, students will:
 C1. Market Systems: analyse how various factors, including the practices of different stakeholders, affect markets and the value of goods (FOCUS ON: Cause and Effect; Economic Perspective)
C2. Workers in Canada: explain the main roles, practices, and concerns of workers, both organized and unorganized, in Canada (FOCUS ON: Economic Significance; Economic Perspective)
C3. Employment Patterns and Trends: analyse patterns and trends related to employment and unemployment in Canada, their causes, and their impact on individuals and society (FOCUS ON: Cause and Effect; Stability and Variability)
C4. Economic Inequality: analyse causes and measures of, as well as responses to, economic inequality in Canada (FOCUS ON: Stability and Variability; Economic Perspective)
C1. Market Systems
FOCUS ON: Cause and Effect; Economic Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 apply supply and demand models to analyse how price is influenced by different factors (e.g., technology, advertising, weather, shortages of raw materials)
Sample questions: “How has the increase in online shopping affected prices?” “How and why might effective advertising affect the price of a product?” “Why might drought in Florida affect the price of oranges in Ontario?”
C1.2 analyse how individual choices, including ethical consumerism (e.g., buying fair-trade, local, cruelty-free, and/or green products), influence markets
Sample questions: “To what degree are you influenced by fair-trade logos when making a purchase?” “Is a consumer boycott an effective way to influence producers and markets? Why or why not?” “If members of the public found the name and/or logo of a professional sports team offensive, why might the team choose to change it? Why might it choose to keep it?”
C1.3 analyse how consumer and producer partici- pation in the underground economy affects markets (e.g., with reference to grey and black markets, tax evasion, counterfeit products, pirating, illegal downloading)
Sample question: “What impact do counterfeit products have on prices for producers and consumers in legitimate markets?”
C1.4 analyse how, in a market system, different stakeholders value public and collective goods (e.g., fish stocks, air, water, parks)
Sample questions: “Why might public ground water be valued differently by an adjacent com- munity, a bottling company, and a government department regulating natural resources? Do you think governments should allow private companies to bottle and sell such water? Why or why not?” “Do you think some public goods should be privatized, whether fully or partially?”
C1.5 explain the causes of Canadian government intervention in market systems (e.g., to address economic inequalities or market disadvantages, to generate revenue, to protect consumers, in response to lobbying)
Sample questions: “How do the competing economic goals of equity and efficiency influence
 The Individual and the Economy

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