Page 546 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 546

The citizenship education framework that is represented on page 13 in a circular graphic is recast here in tabular form, suitable for screen readers and potentially useful for teachers when preparing instruction. Each of the four main elements of citizenship education – active participation, identity, attributes, and structures – is addressed in a separate table. Readers are encouraged to refer to the introductory text at the bottom of page 12 when using this appendix.
Active Participation – Work for the common good in local, national, and global communities
 Ways of Developing Citizenship Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes
  Related Terms and Topics
  • Voice informed opinions on matters relevant to their community
• Adopt leadership roles in their community
• Participate in their community
• Investigate controversial issues
• Demonstrate collaborative, innovative problem solving
• Build positive relationships with diverse individuals
and groups
   • decision making and voting
• influence
• conflict resolution and
peace building
• advocacy
• stewardship
• leadership
• volunteering
  Identity – A sense of personal identity as a member of various communities
 Ways of Developing Citizenship Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes
  Related Terms and Topics
  • Identify and develop their sense of connectedness to local, national, and global communities
• Develop a sense of their civic self-image
• Consider and respect others’ perspectives
• Investigate moral and ethical dimensions of developments,
events, and issues
   • interconnectedness
• beliefs and values
• self-efficacy
• culture
• perspective
• community

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