Page 531 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 531

  Overall Expectations and Related Concepts of Political Thinking
   Big Ideas*
  Framing Questions*
 D. Non-governmental Action on Canadian and International Political Issues
     D1. Civic Awareness and Responsibility: analyse the role of civic awareness and responsibility among citizens and non-governmental stakeholders in the national and international community (FOCUS ON: Political Significance; Political Perspective)
   Informed and responsible citizens can make a difference in the local, national, and global community .
  What are the attributes of a responsible global citizen?
How has technology affected political participation?
Is civil disobedience ever justified?
How does one measure the effectiveness of
a non-governmental organization or social enterprise group?
   D2. Challenges and Strategies: demonstrate an understanding of key challenges relating to various issues of national and global political importance and of the strategies and effectiveness of various non-governmental stakeholders, including NGOs, in addressing them (FOCUS ON: Objectives and Results; Political Perspective)
  There are many forms of political activism and civic engagement .
  D3. Contributions to the Global Community: assess the importance of the contributions of individuals and other non-governmental stakeholders to national and global communities (FOCUS ON: Objectives and Results; Stability and Change)
   The global community has benefited in many ways from the actions of individuals and groups .
E. Rights and Power in the International Community
    E1. Influence, Power, and Decision Making: demonstrate an understanding of how power is distributed and exercised in Canada and other countries, and of factors that affect its distribution (FOCUS ON: Political Significance; Objectives and Results)
   Geographic, demographic, economic, political, and military factors all affect the global balance of power .
  What makes a nation politically powerful? Why are some countries more powerful than others?
How is Canada’s democratic system of government different from systems in other countries?
Has globalization harmed or benefited Canada? Would the answer be the same for all Canadians?
How and why do multinational enterprises hold political as well as economic power?
Should the Canadian government defend human rights beyond its borders?
Why do human rights abuses still exist?
    E2. Technology and Globalization: assess the influence of globalization and technology on Canadian and international politics (FOCUS ON: Stability and Change; Political Perspective)
  Communications and information technology has had an impact on political action and processes in Canada and worldwide .
Globalization has affected political, cultural, and economic boundaries .
  E3. Human Rights at Home and Abroad: explain violations of human rights in Canada and abroad
as well as the role of Canadian and international laws, institutions, and processes in the protection of human rights (FOCUS ON: Political Significance; Stability and Change)
    There have been human rights abuses in many countries, including Canada .
Many governments and other institutions work in defence of human rights .
 Canadian and International Politics

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