Page 517 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 517

  Overall Expectations and Related Concepts of Political Thinking
   Big Ideas*
  Framing Questions*
D. Personal Action on a Political Issue
    D1. Investigating an Issue: identify and analyse a political issue, with the goal of developing a personal plan of action to address this issue (FOCUS ON: Political Significance; Political Perspective)
  The interest and commitment of individuals and groups drives political change .
There are multiple points of view on every political issue .
 What political problems particularly concern you? Why? Do other people or groups feel the same way about these problems?
What factors do you need to consider when deciding how a problem should
be addressed? Whose viewpoints should you consider?
Who will benefit from
a proposed solution to a problem? Will anyone be adversely affected by it?
     D2. Developing a Plan of Action: identify a goal associated with the selected issue and construct an action plan to achieve that goal (FOCUS ON: Objectives and Results; Political Perspective)
    A plan of action must be practical .
  D3. Considering Outcomes: analyse and reflect on possible outcome(s) of their plan (FOCUS ON: Objectives and Results; Stability and Change)
   Formulating a plan of action includes making reasoned predictions about its possible outcomes .
 Politics in Action: Making Change

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