Page 511 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 511

 Stability and Change
This concept requires students to analyse how and why political institutions and government policies change over time or why they remain the same . Students will determine how political structures and decisions contribute to stability and change within various local, national, and/or global communities . They analyse ways in which various institutions, groups, or individuals resist or support change, as well as how a variety of factors, including civic action, can contribute to change or stability . Students also apply this concept to help them determine when change is necessary and how they themselves can contribute to change, or help ensure stability, through civic action .
Related Questions
– What impact can consumers’ choices have on the natural environment? (CHV2O, C1 .3)
− Why are people concerned about growing economic inequality, both in Canada and globally?
(CPC3O, B3 .2)
− How have technological developments such as social media affected the strategies of groups seeking
political change? (CPC3O, C3 .2)
− How does decolonization continue to affect politics and international relations today? (CPW4U, Overview)
 Political Perspective
This concept requires students to analyse the beliefs and values of various groups, including different governments, in local, national, and/or global communities . Students analyse how these beliefs and values, as well as political ideologies, can affect one’s position on or response to issues of civic importance . Students also develop their awareness of how stakeholder groups with different perspectives can influence the policies and platforms of political parties and the decisions of governments .
Related Questions
– How important a role do you think the media play in swaying public opinion on social/political issues? Whose opinions do you think the media reflect? (CHV2O, B2 .4)
− What facets of your personal identity affect your political orientation? (CPC3O, B1 .1)
− How does the relationship of First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit people with the environment influence
their position on some political issues? (CPW4U, B3 .6)
− Why might grassroots groups and transnational corporations have different perspectives on how food
security should be addressed? (CPW4U, D2 .1)

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