Page 493 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 493

workplace safety codes and labour laws (e.g., the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill, violations of fair-trade laws, use of child labour)
E4. Emerging Legal Issues
FOCUS ON: Legal Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
E4.1 analyse from a legal perspective how various technological advances (e.g., in communications or surveillance technology, in medical science, in financial transactions) may challenge or support the administration of justice, in Canada and internationally (e.g., challenges: protection of privacy of victims/accused, protection of intellectual property; supports: developments in quality of DNA evidence, availability of surveillance information from CCTV cameras)
Sample questions: “In view of developments in technology, are existing laws adequate to protect individuals, corporations, and governments from invasions of privacy? Why or why not?”
E4.2 analyse from a legal perspective the advan- tages and/or disadvantages of participation in international economic organizations and agreements (e.g., the World Trade Organization, the European Union, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, the North American Free Trade Agreement)
Sample questions: “For countries seeking a free trade agreement, how might differing domestic labour laws, human rights laws, or environmental regulations create challenges in negotiating the agreement? What impact might the final agree- ment have on those domestic laws/regulations?”
E4.3 evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of international agreements in protecting various rights and freedoms (e.g., the rights of women, children, indigenous people; religious rights; animal rights)
Sample question: “What are some circumstances that limit the effectiveness of international agreements in protecting the fundamental rights and freedoms of the people living in the participating countries?”
 Canadian and International Law

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