Page 489 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 489

By the end of this course, students will:
 D1. Fundamentals of International Law: explain the legal importance of various key principles and issues in international law (FOCUS ON: Legal Significance)
D2. Development of International Law: analyse how various factors have influenced the development of international law (FOCUS ON: Legal Significance; Continuity and Change)
D3. Conflict and Cooperation: analyse how various agreements, treaties, and conventions in international law influence international conflict and cooperation (FOCUS ON: Legal Significance; Interrelationships; Legal Perspective)
D1. Fundamentals of International Law
FOCUS ON: Legal Significance
By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 explain the legal significance of various principles and key concepts in international law (e.g., rule of law, equality and non-discrimination in the enjoyment of human rights, diplomatic immunity, collective security, national sovereignty, concepts related to customary law and treaty law)
D1.2 describe various challenges that face sovereign states in creating, ratifying, and implementing international treaties (e.g., divergent interests/ views/beliefs in relation to: foreign policy, equity, the role of government, territorial claims)
Sample question: “How might the laws and policies of sovereign states hinder the ratification of international environmental or trade agreements?”
D1.3 identify and define various types of inter- national crimes (e.g., crimes under the mandate of the International Criminal Court: crimes of aggression, crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide; other types of international crimes: smuggling of migrants, human trafficking, money laundering, arms smuggling, illegal wildlife trade, illegal dumping of hazardous waste)
Sample questions: “Why is an international criminal court necessary?” “How might an
international court help to address issues related to human trafficking?” “What laws are in place to detect, deter, and prosecute money launderers and the financing of terrorist activity?”
D2. Development of International Law
FOCUS ON: Legal Significance; Continuity and Change
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 identify and describe agreements and organ- izations that have influenced the development of international law (e.g., Treaty of Westphalia, League of Nations, United Nations, International Criminal Court, Geneva Convention)
Sample question: “In your opinion, which agreement or organization has had the most significant impact with respect to changing international law?”
D2.2 explain, using historical and contemporary examples, the roles of various international organizations and courts (e.g., the United Nations [UN], the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court), including the scope of their legal mandate to define, regulate, enforce, and change international laws
Sample questions: “Why would a country agree to have its human rights record reviewed by the United Nations? What legal or other powers do the UN and its member countries have to
 Canadian and International Law

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