Page 481 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 481

  Overall Expectations and Related Concepts of Legal Thinking
   Big Ideas*
  Framing Questions*
 D. Foundations of International Law and Dispute Resolution
    D1. Fundamentals of International Law: explain the legal importance of various key principles and issues in international law (FOCUS ON: Legal Significance)
   Different legal principles are sometimes in competition in international law .
  Can there ever be a good reason for a nation to refuse to sign a particular international agreement?
What is the role of
the United Nations in developing international cooperation?
Is Canada a good global citizen in terms of international laws?
Should international protocols be enforced?
   D2. Development of International Law: analyse how various factors have influenced the development
of international law (FOCUS ON: Legal Significance; Continuity and Change)
   Changes in international law reflect ideological and social shifts, historical events, political agendas, economic realities, and current priorities .
  D3. Conflict and Cooperation: analyse how various agreements, treaties, and conventions in international law influence international conflict and cooperation (FOCUS ON: Legal Significance; Interrelationships; Legal Perspective)
  International agreements can limit the freedom of action of states .
Many international agreements are intended to promote stability in international relations .
E. International Legal Issues
    E1. Criminal Law: analyse various concepts, legal systems, and issues in criminal law, in Canada and internationally (FOCUS ON: Legal Significance; Interrelationships; Legal Perspective)
  International criminal law is designed to prevent serious atrocities and to prosecute individuals who have committed such atrocities, including war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity .
 Why is the International Criminal Court important?
How effective are international agreements and conventions?
Do international laws effectively protect nature?
Do laws related to
the workplace benefit workers, company owners, or both?
      E2. Environmental Protection: analyse factors
that influence the effectiveness of domestic and international environmental legislation (FOCUS ON: Continuity and Change; Legal Perspective)
   Influential states lobby for or against international environmental legislation, depending on their beliefs and interests .
  E3. Workplace Legal Issues: analyse legal principles, systems, and processes used to protect various parties’ interests in the workplace, in Canada and internationally (FOCUS ON: Legal Significance; Interrelationships)
    Employment law attempts to balance the rights
of business owners and workers .
  E4. Emerging Legal Issues: analyse emerging global issues and their implications for international law (FOCUS ON: Legal Perspective)
   There can be both advantages and disadvantages for countries participating in international agreements .
 Canadian and International Law

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