Page 453 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 453

  Overall Expectations and Related Concepts of Legal Thinking
   Big Ideas*
  Framing Questions*
D. Civil Law
    D1. Introduction to Tort Law: analyse the legal foundations of tort law; the factors influencing its development; and the role of individuals, groups, and courts in its processes (FOCUS ON: Legal Significance)
  Tort law provides compensation for people who have been injured by the wrongdoing of those who had a duty of care .
 Why is civil law necessary?
Why is a greater degree of proof of guilt required in a criminal case than in a civil case?
How does family law reflect societal values, beliefs, and norms?
Does the law adequately protect workers?
How do labour laws reflect the influence of unions?
What criteria should
you use when deciding whether to sign a contract?
     D2. Introduction to Family Law: analyse the legal foundations of family law; the factors influencing its development; and the role of individuals, governments, and courts in its processes (FOCUS ON: Legal Significance; Continuity and Change)
   Family law exists to protect all members in domestic relationships, even when the relationships end .
  D3. Introduction to Employment Law: analyse the legal foundations of employment law; the factors influencing its development; and the role of employers, employees, and the courts in its processes (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Legal Perspective)
    Employment law attempts to balance the rights of business owners and workers .
  D4. Introduction to Contract Law: analyse the legal foundations of contract law; the factors influencing its development; and the role of individuals, groups, and the courts in its processes (FOCUS ON: Legal Significance; Continuity and Change; Legal Perspective)
  Contract law outlines voluntary legal obligations between two people or two groups .
E. Criminal Law
    E1. Foundations of Criminal Law: explain the foundational concepts of criminal law and their legal significance (FOCUS ON: Legal Significance)
   Criminal law is based on the principle that all members of society deserve to be protected from wrongdoing .
  Is the Youth Criminal Justice Act a “good” law? What criteria can we use to judge whether a law is “good”?
How are the rights of the accused protected during a trial?
Do punishments fit the crime?
Should a prisoner have rights?
How do the media influence perceptions
and expectations related to a criminal trial and legal procedures?
What are some changes that have occurred in ideas about criminal justice in Canada? What are the reasons for the changes?
     E2. Legal Processes and Procedures: describe the structures and key roles and processes of the Canadian criminal justice system and explain key interrelationships among them (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships)
   The rules governing the criminal trial process represent an attempt to balance the rights of the accused and the rights of the victim and society .
  E3. Criminal Justice System: assess the ability of the Canadian criminal justice system to provide appropriate and even-handed justice to people living in Canada (FOCUS ON: Legal Perspective)
  There are different perspectives on how effectively the Canadian criminal justice system achieves a balance between crime control and prevention on the one hand and the principles of justice, fairness, and the protection of individual rights on the other .
  E4. Development of Criminal Law: analyse how various factors have influenced the development of Canadian criminal law (FOCUS ON: Legal Significance; Continuity and Change)
    Precedent-setting legal cases, scientific advances, and societal trends have led to changes in Canadian criminal law and the criminal justice system .
 Understanding Canadian Law

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