Page 427 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 427

Amnesty International, the International Criminal Court, the International Red Cross / Red Crescent Society, the United Nations [UN])
Sample questions: “What criteria would you use to assess the contribution of Nelson Mandela to human rights?” “How successful do you think the UN has been in advocating for human rights?” “What contributions have members of the LGBT community made towards human rights in various regions of the world?”
E3.2 analyse some key aspects of the social, political, and/or economic roles and status of women in different societies during this period, with particular emphasis on whether these roles remained the same or how they changed (e.g., with reference to work inside and outside the home, equal pay for equal work, suffrage and other political rights, representation in governments, access to education, roles of and attitudes towards women in religious institutions or towards girls and elderly women, violence against women)
Sample questions: “What does the continuing use of rape as a weapon of war in many societies in this period suggest about attitudes towards women?” “What courses and/or new programs have emerged in schools, colleges, and/or universities in response to issues raised by
the women’s movement?” “In what ways has women’s access to education changed during this period? Has it changed in all regions and among all classes/castes?”
E3.3 describe some significant cultural trends and developments during this period, and explain their contribution to regional and/or global heritage and/or identity (e.g., developments
in music such as jazz, rock ’n’ roll, reggae, ska; developments in cinema, including Hollywood
and Bollywood films and the work of influential
filmmakers from various cultures; changes in fashion; new schools of art; manga; indigenous arts and crafts; the trend towards globalization of culture)
Sample questions: “Why might the contract with Walt Disney to distribute and promote the films of Miyazaki be seen as a cultural turning point?” “What are some aspects of the globalization of culture? In what ways does this globalization mark a change from earlier cultural history? Are there any similarities?”
 World History since the Fifteenth Century

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