Page 395 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 395

interpretations of history? Which school of thought do you think this source reflects?
How does this historian’s perspective affect
the way he (or she) has interpreted or used the evidence?” “In what ways has the historiography of exploration, interaction, and the ‘contact experience’ changed over time?” “When you critically examine traditional approaches to history, what shortcomings do you notice? Which groups tend to receive the most attention? Which tend to be underrepresented?” “Do you think history can be free of bias? Why or why not?”
A1.6 use the concepts of historical thinking (i.e., historical significance, cause and consequence, continuity and change, and historical perspective) when analysing, evaluating evidence about, and formulating conclusions and/or judge- ments regarding historical issues, events, and/ or developments in world history since the fifteenth century (e.g., use the concept of historical significance when investigating the impact of the development of the printing press; use the concept of cause and consequence when analysing the issues and ideas that contributed to and/or arose from the Haitian Revolution; consider the concept of continuity and change when analysing the evolution of nationalist movements in the nineteenth and twentieth century; apply the concept of historical perspective when analysing the ideas underpinning the Reformation, as well as responses to these ideas, to ensure that they consider multiple viewpoints)
Sample questions: “What concept or concepts of historical thinking would be the most relevant to consider when investigating changes in the roles and rights of women over time? Why do you think these concepts would be particularly appropriate in this context?” “Why is it important to consider both the intended and unintended consequences of a particular development?”
A1.7 evaluate and synthesize their findings to formulate conclusions and/or make informed judgements or predictions about the issues, events, and/or developments they are investigating
Sample questions: “Based on your historical investigation of relevant social and economic developments, what do you think the future holds for the middle class or for workers’ rights? Why?” “What similarities and differences have you found between the effects of the Industrial Revolution in England and the effects of the rapid growth of China as an industrial power since the 1980s?”
A1.8 communicate their ideas, arguments, and conclusions using various formats and styles, as appropriate for the audience and purpose (e.g., a seminar on the ideas, strategies, and effect- iveness of a particular social reform movement;
an essay on the role of conflict in the evolution of national identities; a debate on the responsibilities of imperial powers for problems in their former colonies; a presentation on the benefits or drawbacks of different economic systems that existed at various times and/or in various regions; a“heritage minute” video on a key person or event that contributed to the development of human rights in a particular country; a blog on the historical accuracy of a film depicting events relating to the independence of India; a website on developments in art or archi- tecture over a particular period)
A1.9 use accepted forms of documentation (e.g., footnotes or endnotes, author/date citations, reference lists, bibliographies, credits) to reference different types of sources (e.g., archival sources, articles, art works, blogs, books, films or videos, oral evidence, websites)
A1.10 use appropriate terminology when com- municating the results of their investigations (e.g., vocabulary specific to their inquiry topics; terminology related to history, historiography, and the concepts of historical thinking)
A2. Developing Transferable Skills
Throughout this course, students will:
A2.1 describe ways in which historical investiga- tion can help them develop skills, including the essential skills in the Ontario Skills Passport (e.g., skills related to reading text, writing, document use, computer use, oral communication, numeracy), that can be transferred to postsecondary oppor- tunities, the world of work, and everyday life
A2.2 apply in everyday contexts skills and work habits developed through historical investigation (e.g., use skills to analyse statistics presented on a website, to assess the credibility of sources cited in an article, to understand and appreciate multiple perspectives and engage in informed discussions, to assess the historical accuracy of historical fiction or films, or to identify bias in the media; apply work habits such as self-regulation in order to independently monitor their progress, or initiative in devising and implementing strategies to enable them to successfully complete a task)
A2.3 apply the knowledge and skills developed in the study of world history since the fifteenth
 World History since the Fifteenth Century

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