Page 392 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 392

 Grade 12, University Preparation
  Overall Expectations and Related Concepts of Historical Thinking
   Big Ideas*
  Framing Questions*
B. The World, 1450–1650
    B1. Social, Economic, and Political Context: analyse key aspects of social, economic, and political systems and structures in various regions of the world between 1450 and 1650 (FOCUS ON: Historical Significance; Historical Perspective)
  Various social, political, and economic changes during this time had a lasting impact on the world .
 How has the historiography of exploration and trade during this period changed over time?
How do we know what we know about the people who lived during this time?
What does the art and architecture of different societies tell us about their values and beliefs?
Which new ideas and theories from this period continue to have an impact on the world today?
    B2. Communities, Conflict, and Cooperation: analyse relations between different groups in various regions of the world from 1450 to 1650 and how various factors affected these relations (FOCUS ON: Cause and Consequence; Continuity and Change)
    When building new trade and political relationships, governments and other groups had to weigh competing interests .
  B3. Identity, Citizenship, and Heritage: analyse, with reference to the contributions of specific individuals, ways in which ideas, values, and artistic production affected the development of identity, citizenship, and/or heritage in various societies between 1450 and 1650 (FOCUS ON: Historical Significance; Cause and Consequence)
  During this period, new ideas about the world and its people began to challenge dominant and long-held ideas .
C. The World, 1650–1789
    C1. Social, Economic, and Political Context: analyse key social, economic, and political issues, trends, and/or developments in various regions of the world between 1650 and 1789 (FOCUS ON: Cause and Consequence; Continuity and Change)
  Increased trade and colonization during this period helped change demographic patterns .
 How did science contribute to change during this period?
What criteria would you use to judge the long-term impact of European exploration on indigenous peoples around the world?
Why did some countries react to the increase in global interactions with isolationist policies?
How did colonial policies help shape events and developments around the world at this time? How do they continue to play a role in the world today?
Why might some groups and individuals challenge the status quo?
     C2. Communities, Conflict, and Cooperation: analyse interactions between different groups in various regions of the world from 1650 to 1789 and how various forces/ factors affected those interactions (FOCUS ON: Cause and Consequence; Historical Perspective)
  The building of commercial and political empires had an impact on relationships within and between various countries .
  C3. Identity, Citizenship, and Heritage: analyse how political, social, economic, religious, and cultural ideas and practices in various regions of the world between 1650 and 1789 contributed to the development of identity, citizenship, and/or heritage (FOCUS ON: Historical Significance; Historical Perspective)
   During this period, various groups and individuals began to question political, social, economic, and religious ideas and institutions .
 THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
Overview (continued)
Throughout this course, when planning instruction, teachers should weave the expectations from strand A in with the expectations from strands B–E.
Strands B–E
* See page 17 for a discussion of the purpose of big ideas and framing questions.

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