Page 387 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 387

By the end of this course, students will:
 E1. Setting the Context: analyse various social/cultural, economic, and political events, trends, and/or developments in Canada since 1945 and their impact on the development of the country (FOCUS ON: Cause and Consequence; Continuity and Change)
E2. Interactions and Interdependence: analyse how various interactions at both the national and international level since 1945 have contributed to the development of Canada, including the development of identity in Canada (FOCUS ON: Historical Significance; Continuity and Change)
E3. Diversity and Citizenship: analyse how various individuals and groups have contributed to the development of identity, culture, and citizenship in Canada since 1945 (FOCUS ON: Continuity and Change; Historical Perspective)
E1. Setting the Context
FOCUS ON: Cause and Consequence; Continuity and Change
By the end of this course, students will:
E1.1 analyse key social/cultural trends and developments in Canada during this period, including changes in social attitudes/values (e.g., with reference to changes in the number
and origins of immigrants and refugees; changes in birth, marriage, and divorce rates; continuing urbanization and the growth of suburbs; the development of the social safety net; biculturalism and multiculturalism; increasing concerns with rights, fairness, and equity; the development of countercultural, civil rights, environmental, and social protest movements; changes in the role and status of women), and assess their significance for the development of Canada, including the development of identity in Canada
Sample questions: “What were some social developments during this period that implied a growing concern with issues of fairness and equity in Canada?” “How have demographic changes during this period affected families in Canada?”
E1.2 analyse efforts by the Canadian government to promote and protect Canadian culture during this period (e.g., the creation of the Massey Commission and the Canada Council, the funding of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation / la
Société Radio Canada and the National Film Board, the creation of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, the adoption of a new Canadian flag and official national anthem, government funding for cultural institutions, the establishment of the National Arts Centre, the adoption of Bill C-58)
Sample questions: “What developments in and outside of Canada made the government feel the need to promote and protect Canadian culture? Can you isolate one event or issue as being the catalyst?” “How successful do you think Canadian content regulations have been at promoting Canadian culture?”
E1.3 analyse ways in which technological and/or scientific developments during this period have contributed to the development of identity in Canada (e.g., with reference to developments in television and radio; the design and building of the Avro Arrow, the cancellation of that project, and the destruction of the existing planes and models; the engineering and construction technology behind the building of the CN Tower; the development and use of the Canadarm)
Sample questions: “What impact have techno- logical developments in the past thirty years had on Canadian business practices? Do you think innovations by Canadian high-tech companies have changed the way some people have viewed Canada and its technology sector? Why or why not?” “What impact has the development of new media and technologies
 Canada: History, Identity, and Culture

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