Page 381 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
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during this time? Is it still significant to Canada today?” “What was the purpose of the canals constructed in Upper Canada during this period? Did the canals have the desired impact on the economy of the colony?”
C1.5 analyse how British colonial policies during this period affected the political development of Canada, including Confederation (e.g., with reference to British policies towards First Nations, the Constitutional Act of 1791, the Durham Report and the Act of Union, responsible government, Britain’s attitude towards greater independence
for its North American colonies)
Sample questions: “When you analyse British colonial decisions during this period, do you think they reflect an overall policy of assimilation with respect to French Canadians? Why or why not?” “Which British policy do you think had the greatest impact on the political development of Canada during this period? Why?” “In what ways did British policy contribute to the Confederation movement?”
C2. Interactions and Interdependence
FOCUS ON: Cause and Consequence; Historical Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
C2.1 analyse some of the challenges facing various communities in Canada during this period and how different communities responded to them (e.g., with reference to disease, including cholera among recent immigrants, malaria among canal workers, and/or small pox among First Nations; isolation facing pioneers and homesteaders; decreasing availability of land in some regions; the impact of absentee landowners in Prince Edward Island or of the Clergy Reserves; increasing displacement of First Nations; racism and discrimin- ation; challenges associated with transportation; entrenched political elites; poverty; pollution from industry)
Sample questions: “What were some of the health-related challenges facing people during this period? Who tended to be affected by various diseases? Why? What were some ways in which families and/or communities dealt with disease or other medical problems?” “Why did some Black Loyalists decide to relocate to Sierra Leone in the 1790s?”
C2.2 analyse significant instances of social and/or political cooperation among Canadians during this period (e.g., organizations such as the St Jean Baptiste Society, mutual aid societies, early trade unions, the work of school promoters, Canadians’
participation in the Underground Railroad, political cooperation between Baldwin and LaFontaine or Cartier and Macdonald, the Confederation confer- ences, crafting the British North America Act), and assess their contribution to the development of Canada, including the development of identity in Canada
Sample question: “In what ways was the British North America Act a compromise between differing political interests?”
C2.3 describe some of the main sectarian and regional divisions in colonial Canada as well as significant conflicts involving Canadians during this period (e.g., religious divisions between Catholics and Protestants; ethnic divisions between English and French or Irish and Scots; divisions between Black Loyalists and established settlers in Nova Scotia or Upper Canada; divisions between western settlers and First Nations and/or Métis; class divisions; regional differences between Upper and Lower Canada, or between Atlantic Canada and the Province of Canada; conflicts such as the War of 1812, the Pemmican Wars, the Shiners’War, strikes), and analyse how they affected the development of Canada, including the develop- ment of identity in Canada
Sample questions: “What criteria would you use to assess the consequences of the Rebellions of 1836–37? If you were to rank the consequences, how might the order change depending on whether you were French or English, rich or poor?” “Why might some people argue that the Orange Order was a group that promoted cooperation while others might argue that it promoted conflict?”
C2.4 analyse ways in which First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit peoples interacted with other communities in Canada during this period (e.g., the participation of First Nations in the Revolutionary War or the War of 1812, or of Métis in the Pemmican Wars; facilitating the mapping of western and northern Canada by British explorers; supplying the fur or buffalo robe trade; confronting prospectors during the B.C. gold rushes), and assess the impact of these interactions
Sample questions: “What impact did the fur trade have on First Nations during this period?” “What is the controversy over the role the Inuit played in the 1845 Franklin expedition to the Arctic?”
C2.5 analyse the role of religion/spirituality in Canadian society during this period and how it contributed to the development of Canada (e.g., with reference to different religious groups in the colonies; the role of religious organizations in charitable work; the role of Roman Catholic priests
CANADA, 1774–1867
 Canada: History, Identity, and Culture

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