Page 372 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 372

 Grade 12, University Preparation
  Overall Expectations and Related Concepts of Historical Thinking
   Big Ideas*
  Framing Questions*
B. Canada, Origins to 1774
    B1. Setting the Context: analyse the significance, for different groups in Canada, of various social/cultural, economic, and political practices and developments prior to 1774 (FOCUS ON: Historical Significance; Historical Perspective)
  The struggles of early European settlers to form political, economic, and social systems, and their impact on Aboriginal ways of life, continue to have ripple effects today .
 What do we know about the history of Aboriginal peoples of Canada prior to their contact with Europeans?
How has the historiography of the contact experience changed over time?
What criteria could we use to judge the long-term impact on Canada and Canadian identity of shifting relationships between First Nations peoples and Europeans?
Have the experiences of all groups been given equal treatment in the narrative of early Canada?
    B2. Interactions and Interdependence: analyse activities of and interactions between various groups in Canada prior to 1774 and how these groups and their interactions contributed to the development of Canada, including the development of identity in Canada (FOCUS ON: Cause and Consequence; Continuity and Change)
    The relationship between First Nations peoples and European explorers and early settlers was marked by both conflict and cooperation .
  B3. Diversity and Citizenship: assess the impact of various individuals, groups, and colonial policies prior to 1774 on the development of identity, citizenship, and heritage in Canada (FOCUS ON: Continuity and Change; Historical Perspective)
  The early colonial policies of France and Britain played a role in the development of Canadian heritage and identity .
C. Canada, 1774–1867
    C1. Setting the Context: analyse various social/cultural, economic, and political events, trends, and/or developments that occurred in or affected Canada between 1774 and 1867, and assess their impact (FOCUS ON: Historical Significance; Continuity and Change)
  British colonial policies had an impact on the social, economic, cultural, and political development of Canada .
 How did British colonial policies help shape events and developments in Canada at this time? How does their legacy continue to play a role in Canada today?
What contributed to the deepening divide between British and French in British North America during this period?
Was Canada a haven for immigrants during this period?
     C2. Interactions and Interdependence: analyse the impact on the development of Canada of various interactions between different groups in Canada, as well as between Canada, Great Britain, and the United States, from 1774 to 1867 (FOCUS ON: Cause and Consequence; Historical Perspective)
 Both internal and external conflict played a role in the political evolution of Canada .
  C3. Diversity and Citizenship: analyse how various individuals and groups contributed to the social and political development of Canada between 1774 and 1867 and to the evolution of identity and citizenship in Canada (FOCUS ON: Continuity and Change; Historical Perspective)
  Immigration played a large role in the development of Canada and of Canadian identity .
 Overview (continued)
Throughout this course, when planning instruction, teachers should weave the expectations from strand A in with the expectations from strands B–E.
Strands B–E
    THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
* See page 17 for a discussion of the purpose of big ideas and framing questions.

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