Page 369 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 369

human rights around the world?” “What is the relationship between changing attitudes towards human rights and official government apologies for past actions/policies?”
E3.4 describe key aspects of the role and rights
of women in two or more regions of the world during this period, and compare them to the role and status of women in earlier decades (e.g., with reference to the franchise, roles in government, labour force participation, birth rates, infant/maternal mortality rates, honour killings, dowry murders, female infanticide, physical and sexual assault, female genital mutilation, female literacy rates)
Sample questions: “What do you think are the most significant ways in which the roles and/or rights of some North American and European women have changed during this period? What factors contribute to the fact that not all groups of women in these regions experienced the same changes?” “What factors continue to affect the roles and rights of women around the world?”
E3.5 describe some key cultural issues, trends, and/or developments during this period, and explain their impact on identity and heritage (e.g., globalization, concerns about loss of traditional cultures, developments in“world music”, Bollywood, censorship issues, manga and anime)
Sample questions: “Why are people being drawn back to the superhero genre that was popular during the 1940s and early 1950s?” “In what ways are censorship issues different in this period than they were earlier in the twentieth century? In what ways are they the same?” “What impact has globalization had on cultural development in some societies?”
 World History since 1900:
Global and Regional Interactions

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