Page 355 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 355

  Overall Expectations and Related Concepts of Historical Thinking
   Big Ideas*
  Framing Questions*
D. The Cold War Years, 1945–1991
    D1. Social, Economic, and Political Context: explain the impact of the lives of people in two or more regions of the world of some key social, economic, and political issues, trends, and/or developments between 1945 and 1991 (FOCUS ON: Continuity and Change; Historical Perspective)
  Rapid change during this period had a direct impact on how people lived .
 What were some of the ways in which people responded to challenges and created change during this period?
Is conflict inevitable when individuals, groups, and nations seek independence?
What forces contributed to the development of nationalist and social movements around the world during this period?
    D2. Communities, Conflict, and Cooperation: analyse various international and regional conflicts as well as forces that united communities between 1945 and 1991 (FOCUS ON: Cause and Consequence; Historical Perspective)
    International and regional alliances were tested during the Cold War years .
  D3. Identity, Citizenship, and Heritage: explain how various social, political, and cultural forces affected identity, citizenship, and/or heritage in two or more regions of the world between 1945 and 1991 (FOCUS ON: Historical Significance; Continuity and Change)
  This period was marked by increasing social reform and social change .
E. A Globalizing World: Issues and Interactions since 1991
    E1. Social, Economic, and Political Context: analyse some key social, economic, and political issues and developments in two or more regions of the world since 1991 (FOCUS ON: Cause and Consequence; Historical Perspective)
   Globalization has had economic, social, and political ramifications during this period .
  Has the world gotten smaller?
How do we deal with competing rights?
What types of forces have brought about change during this period?
    E2. Communities, Conflict, and Cooperation: assess the impact of some key instances of conflict and international cooperation since 1991 (FOCUS ON: Historical Significance; Cause and Consequence)
  Regional conflict has affected most regions
of the world during this period, whether in terms of local violence or efforts to keep/restore peace .
  E3. Identity, Citizenship, and Heritage: analyse how various factors have affected the rights, identity, and everyday lives of various groups in two of more regions of the world since 1991 (FOCUS ON: Continuity and Change; Historical Perspective)
    Human rights are defined differently around the world .
 World History since 1900:
Global and Regional Interactions

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