Page 349 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 349

By the end of this course, students will:
 E1. Social, Economic, and Political Issues: analyse ways in which some social, economic, and/or political issues, events, and/or developments at the local, national, and international level have affected the selected ethnic group in Canada (FOCUS ON: Historical Significance; Cause and Consequence)
E2. From Assimilation to Multiculturalism: analyse the evolution of social and political perspectives and political policies related to immigration and cultural diversity in Canada (FOCUS ON: Cause and Consequence; Historical Perspective)
E3. Cultural Traditions: analyse some of the challenges that ethnic groups face in trying to maintain their traditional cultures, and describe ways in which groups in Canada have maintained their cultures (FOCUS ON: Historical Significance; Continuity and Change)
E1. Social, Economic, and Political Issues
FOCUS ON: Historical Significance; Cause and Consequence
By the end of this course, students will:
E1.1 analyse ways in which some social, economic, and/or political issues, events, and/or develop- ments in its country or region of origin have affected the selected ethnic group in Canada (e.g., with reference to social/economic need in the country of origin and the role of remittances; war or political upheaval and the resultant arrival of new immigrants or refugees in the community in Canada; the organization of aid groups within the community in Canada in response to natural or human-created disasters abroad; pressure from
the ethnic group for the Canadian government to respond to war, social upheaval, or human rights violations in the country/region of origin; divisions within the group in Canada reflecting divisions within the country of origin; acts of terror abroad and how they affect the ways members of a group are viewed in Canada)
Sample questions: “Have recent conflicts affected immigration patterns of this group to Canada? If so, what impact have these changes had
on the existing community in Canada, or
on Canada’s response to this community?” “Which international development do you think has had the greatest impact on this group in Canada? Why?”
E1.2 analyse ways in which some social, economic, and/or political issues, events, and/or develop- ments at the national level in Canada have affected the selected ethnic group (e.g., demo- graphic changes; changes in technology; economic cycles; changes in political policy with respect to immigration, refugees, social services, or foreign aid; internments or deportations)
Sample questions: “What impact has the
health of the Canadian economy had on how immigrants, including the selected ethnic group, have been viewed?” “What are some of the reasons behind current changes to Canadian immigration policy? Are any of these changes having an impact on this ethnic group?” “How have treaty relations between the government and indigenous peoples in Canada affected this ethnic group, either directly or indirectly?”
E1.3 analyse ways in which some social, economic, and/or political issues, events, and/or develop- ments at the provincial and/or local level in Canada have affected ethnic groups, including, where applicable, the selected ethnic group (e.g., Ontario legislation such as the 1951 Fair Employment Practices Act, 1950 amendments
to the Conveyancing and Law of Property Act, or the 1962 Human Rights Code; the impact of the Parti Québécois on allophone and anglophone communities in Quebec; the impact of Bill 101
on ethnic communities in Quebec; the impact of Premier Davis’s decision to extend public funding for Catholic schools in Ontario; the creation of
          The History of a Canadian Ethnic Group
Origins and Citizenship:

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