Page 341 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 341

whether the country had a traditional, command, or market economy, and changes from one system to another)
Sample questions: “What were the economic turning points for this country and/or ethnic group? Why did you select these as the turning points?” “How did women participate in the economy of this country or region?”
B1.5 analyse key aspects of the historical develop- ment of political systems/structures in this ethnic group’s country or region of origin
(e.g., the types of government that characterized different periods in the country’s history – monarchy, theocracy, tribal government, dictatorship, democ- racy, junta, revolutionary government; whether the country was ever a colony and, if so, the structures in its colonial and self-government phases; the involvement, if any, of religious/spiritual leaders in political structures; how war and/or revolution affected political structures)
Sample questions: “Was this country ever colonized? If so, what impact did this have on the country and the selected ethnic group? Under what circumstances was political independence achieved? What was the immediate result of independence? How has the country evolved since independence? What impact have the changes had on this ethnic group?”
B2. Significant Interactions
FOCUS ON: Historical Significance; Cause and Consequence
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 analyse ways in which human conflicts have shaped the history of this ethnic group in its country or region of origin (e.g., with reference, as applicable, to war, invasion, genocide, religious conflict, revolution, rebellion, persecution, repression, enslavement, class conflict)
Sample questions: “In what ways was this ethnic group affected by internal or external conflicts? What criteria would you use to determine which conflict had the greatest impact on this group?”
B2.2 analyse ways in which cooperation among members of this ethnic group and/or between this group and other groups has shaped the history of this group in its country or region
of origin (e.g., with reference, as applicable, to treaties, colonial settlement schemes, collaboration with imperial powers, trade, intermarriage)
Sample questions: “Is cooperation always mutually beneficial? In what ways has it benefited this ethnic group? Do you think the other group or groups in this relationship benefited equally? More? Less?”
B2.3 analyse the impact of some natural and/or human-created environmental disasters on people (e.g., natural events: drought, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes; human-created events: famine; extreme environmental degradation, including that resulting from resource extraction; nuclear/industrial accidents), with a particular emphasis, where applicable, on this ethnic group in its country or region of origin
Sample questions: “Whose lives were changed by this natural disaster? How significant is this event in the ethnic group’s story?”
B3. Culture and Identity
FOCUS ON: Continuity and Change; Historical Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 analyse key aspects of the historical development of the arts within this ethnic group’s country or region of origin and how they contributed to the development of identity in this group (e.g., with reference to visual arts, music, dance, literature, architecture, clothing)
Sample questions: “What can you find out about this group by looking at its art? In what ways will studying its art works help you gain a better understanding of this group’s identity/ identities?” “What is distinctive about the traditional clothing of this group? What are some factors that account for its characteristics? What did differences in clothing signify about different member of this society?”
B3.2 analyse some ways in which religious/ spiritual beliefs and practices in the country or region of origin contributed to the development of identity and culture in this ethnic group (e.g., with reference to traditions of monotheism or polytheism; religious/spiritual rituals; celebrations and ceremonies related to the environment; religious art, architecture, and music; dietary rules and restrictions; spiritual/religious practices related to death; religious teachings about the roles of men and women)
Sample questions: “Did the religious/spiritual beliefs of this group change over time? What impact did the change, or lack of change, have on the development of identity in this group?” “What do the cultural artefacts of this society tell you about its religious/spiritual beliefs?”
 The History of a Canadian Ethnic Group
Origins and Citizenship:

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