Page 334 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 334

 Grade 11, University/College Preparation
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
E3.2 describe economic structures and explain some key economic events and/or developments in societies in different parts of the world in
the fifteenth century (e.g., development of early capitalism in some societies; developments in agrarian economies; dominant trade routes; the first wave of European colonialism)
Sample questions: “How was capitalism starting to transform the established economic order in some societies at this time?” “What was the economic impact of the voyages of Zheng He and the early years of the European Age of Exploration?”
E3.3 describe political structures and explain some key political events and/or developments in societies in different parts of the world in the fifteenth century (e.g., strong dynasties and those in decline; rivalries and wars arising from disputed succession; the influence of religion on politics; political structures in the main centres of power and those in outlying regions; edicts expelling Jews from several European states; the expansion of the Aztec, Inca, Ottoman, and Songhai Empires)
Sample questions: “What was the significance of the War of the Roses?” “What factors contrib- uted to the establishment of the Iroquois Confederacy?” “How did Ottoman rulers
treat their conquered lands and populations? How did this treatment help consolidate the Ottoman Empire?” “Why did the conquests
of Timur (Tamerlane) contribute to one of the greatest periods of Islamic art?” “What was the Treaty of Tordesillas? What political events and values contributed to its development?”
E3.4 describe the roles and status of women, men, and children in some societies in different parts of the world in the fifteenth century (e.g., the social, economic, political, religious, and familial roles of women and men; ideas about work, education, gender roles of children; differences among classes)
Sample questions: “In what ways were the roles of children at this time different from those of today? How did a family’s social status affect the roles of its children?” “In what ways did the role/status of women differ in different societies at this time? Were there commonalities across societies?” “What sort of education did the majority of people receive at this time? What was the relationship between level of education and a person’s class or caste?”

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