Page 299 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 299

 Interpret and Analyse
− analyse evidence and information, applying the relevant concepts of historical thinking (see preceding
− use different types of graphic organizers to help them interpret and/or analyse their evidence and
− identify the key points or ideas in each source
− interpret maps to help them analyse events, developments, and/or issues
− analyse their sources to determine the importance of the event, development, or issue for individuals
and/or groups
− identify biases in individual sources
− determine if all points of view are represented in the source materials as a whole, and which, if any,
are missing
 Evaluate and Draw Conclusions
− synthesize evidence, information, and/or data, and make informed, critical judgements based on that
evidence, information, and/or data
− make connections between the past and present
− determine the short- and long-term consequences of events, developments, and/or issues for different
individuals, groups, and/or regions
− assess whether an event or action was ethically justifiable, given the context of the time
− reach conclusions about events, developments, and/or issues, and support them with their evidence
− use appropriate forms (e .g ., oral, visual, written, multimedia) for different audiences and purposes
− communicate their arguments, conclusions, and judgements clearly and logically
− use historical terminology and concepts correctly and effectively
− cite sources, using appropriate forms of documentation

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