Page 294 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 294

 Grade 12, Workplace Preparation
  THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
E2.4 analyse the impact of consumer behaviour on the environment (e.g., transportation choices, water and energy consumption, product choices)
Sample questions: “How can a person’s shopping habits and choices affect the sustainability of natural resources?” “How would the consump- tion of resources change if people bought less of what they wanted but didn’t really need?” “Do businesses have a responsibility to promote and support more sustainable consumer behaviour? How can consumers encourage businesses to reduce the environmental impact of their prod- ucts?” “In what ways do businesses encourage recycling of their products?”
E3. Community Infrastructure
FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Interrelationships
By the end of this course, students will:
E3.1 assess the environmental impact of water supply and wastewater management systems in various communities
Sample questions: “What precautions do people need to take if their water comes from a well?” “How do older sewer systems that carry both stormwater and household sewage threaten local rivers and lakes? Are there any such systems in your community? What is being done to manage the problems associated with these systems?” “What is meant by the term grey water? What can it be used for? What are the environmental benefits of reusing grey water?” “Why might
a disproportionate number of First Nations communities be on a long-standing boil-water advisory?”
E3.2 assess the environmental impact of various methods of waste disposal (e.g., landfilling, incineration, recycling, composting, transporting to other communities)
Sample questions: “Why should people not put hazardous waste, such as batteries and paint, in their garbage? What is the environmental impact of these materials when they are sent
to a landfill? What kinds of waste should be considered hazardous?”
E3.3 describe the environmental impact of trans- portation in their community, and assess the possibility of using alternative approaches to meeting the community’s transportation needs
Sample questions: “What forms of transportation are used most in your community? What are the environmental impacts associated with their use?” “Are there alternative forms of transportation that could be used? Would most people in the community have access to them? Could the community afford to build the infra- structure that these alternative systems would need? How could people be persuaded to use these alternative systems?” “Are there ways
of reducing the environmental impact of the transportation systems that are already in use?”
E3.4 describetheenvironmentalimpactofdifferent methods of power generation, and assess the possibility of using alternative sources of energy generation (e.g., solar, water, wind, geothermal) to provide electricity for their own community
Sample questions: “What are the major sources of electrical power in Ontario, and what environmental impacts are associated with each of these sources?” “How does the location of a site influence the feasibility of different types of power generation there?” “What alternative sources would be practical for our area?”

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