Page 288 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 288

 Grade 12, Workplace Preparation
 C1. Strategies and Stewardship Initiatives: assess the contributions of stewardship initiatives by groups and individuals to the sustainable use and management of natural resources, locally, nationally, and globally (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective)
C2. Resource Development and Impacts: analyse impacts and issues related to the development and use of natural resources (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective)
C3. Distribution and Use of Natural Resources: analyse patterns and trends in the availability and use of natural resources (FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Patterns and Trends)
By the end of this course, students will:
       THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
C1. Strategies and Stewardship Initiatives
FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 analyse selected responses by governments, industries, and/or non-governmental organiza- tions to resource-related environmental concerns (e.g., installing stack scrubbers to reduce emissions that cause smog and acid rain; banning the use of some chemicals; passing laws and regulations to control discharges of pollutants into water bodies; rehabilitating tailing ponds and open-pit mines to restore habitat; using sustained-yield practices to maintain healthy fish stocks and forests; creating public awareness of an environmental issue and building support for action), and assess the con- tribution of these actions to responsible and sustainable resource use and management
Sample questions: “What was the problem that led to this response?” “Was government regulation needed to support the response? Did non-governmental organizations play a role by influencing public opinion? How did the industry respond to the problem?” “What benefits did this response lead to, for the environment, the public, and the industry?”
C1.2 describe ways in which individuals can contribute to the sustainable use of natural resources (e.g., by buying, selling, or donating good-quality used products so that they may be
reused; reducing personal consumption; recycling; buying fair-trade products; supporting environmental non-governmental organizations)
Sample questions: “How does your consumer behaviour affect the consumption of natural resources? How would the demand for natural resources be affected if people bought only what they needed instead of what they wanted?” “What effect does your choice of transportation have on the use of natural resources?”
C2. Resource Development and Impacts
FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
C2.1 assess the environmental impact of a particular consumer product (e.g., cellphone, bicycle, car, golf club) over its life cycle, from the extraction of the resources needed to produce it, through its production and use, to its disposal
Sample questions: “At what stage in its life cycle does your product have the greatest environmental impacts?” “Why do you have to pay a disposal fee when you buy some products?”
Using spatial skills: Students can create flow diagrams or concept webs to illustrate the steps and the impacts involved in various stages of the life cycle of a product.

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