Page 211 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 211

celebrities as ambassadors for human rights and quality of life issues? Why might some people be opposed to this practice? Have celebrity ambassadors been successful in bringing about change?” “How can purchasing fair-trade goods or goods from social enterprises help people
in other countries?” “Which NGOs or social enterprises would you consider supporting?”
E1.4 describehowgovernmentsprotectthesecurity of the state (e.g., border security, search and rescue, disaster relief, consular support, defence against foreign powers or terrorist groups, military support of friendly foreign powers, intelligence collection, participation in collective security organizations), and analyse issues relating to changing national security needs and human rights
Sample questions: “How has the nature of international conflict changed over the past few decades, and how has this affected the security needs of Canada and other countries? How have Canadian governments responded to these changes?” “How might national security needs conflict with individual rights? How should they be balanced?”
E2. Agents of Change
FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
E2.1 explain the impact of technology as an agent of change, and describe ways in which technology could be used to bring about beneficial change in the future
Sample questions: “Can you name three ways in which technology has made your life better than that of your parents or grandparents
or improved the quality of life of people in low-income countries? Has technology also had unintended negative consequences for society, the economy, or the environment?” “What are disruptive technologies? Can you identify an example of one in the past? Who benefited from it? Who didn’t? What was the overall effect on society? Can you identify a disruptive technology that is changing society today? What are its present and expected future impacts?” “Can some military technologies be adapted for beneficial civilian uses?” “How might individual portable water filters change the lives of people in developing countries?” “Would providing free cellphones to people with low incomes help them find and keep good jobs?” “How might a wireless Internet service help to improve medical and educational services
for remote Aboriginal communities?”
E2.2 analysetheinfluenceofmassmedia,including the Internet, on social and political change
Sample questions: “What is the relationship between the media and the government in democratic countries? In countries with authoritarian regimes?” “How has public access to online information influenced the ways in which governments operate?” “Why do some governments restrict the use of the Internet by their citizens? How effective are restrictions on Internet usage in controlling
the flow of information?” “What does the censorship of mass media look like in democratic countries, and how does that affect the ability of the media in those countries to influence change?” “How much control should govern- ments have over communications and the transfer of information?”
E2.3 analyse the role of urbanization as an agent of social, economic, and environmental change
Sample questions: “Why are more people moving to cities?” “How might increasing urbanization affect the production and distribution of food? How is it affecting the availability of farmland?” “How are cities changing as a result of urbaniz- ation? How is urbanization changing rural areas? How does the impact of people on the environment change as societies become more urbanized?” “How does living in a city affect the way people live and meet their needs? How does urbanization affect social connections between people? What kinds of social issues might arise as cities become more densely populated?” “How does urbanization change transportation and communication networks? How can expanding cities meet the demand for housing, jobs, water, and sanitation? How are cities in different parts of the world responding to these challenges?” “Will an urbanized world be a more prosperous world? Will it be more resilient to natural disasters?” “What will the city of the future look like?”
E3. Continuing Challenges
FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Patterns and Trends By the end of this course, students will:
E3.1 analyse relationships between ethnic and/or religious tensions and crimes against humanity by governments or armed opposition groups (e.g., in Uganda, Rwanda, the former Yugoslavia)
Sample questions: “How did colonialism exacerbate ethnic tensions in Africa? How might this help explain the events that occurred in Rwanda in the early 1990s?”
 World Issues: A Geographic Analysis

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