Page 204 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 204

 Grade 12, University Preparation
 C1. Strategies and Initiatives: analyse strategies and initiatives that support environmental stewardship at a national and global level, and assess their effectiveness in promoting the sustainability of the natural environment (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective)
C2. PopulationGrowth:assesstheimpactofpopulationgrowthonthesustainabilityofnaturalsystems (FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Patterns and Trends)
C3. Caring for the Commons: analyse issues relating to the use and management of common-pool resources (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective)
 THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
C1. Strategies and Initiatives
FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 assess the effectiveness of various inter- national agreements for protecting the natural environment (e.g., the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol, the Montreal Protocol, the United Nations Con- vention on the Law of the Sea, the Convention on Biological Diversity)
Sample questions: “What criteria should we use to measure progress towards achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goal of ensuring environmental sustainability? What progress has been made to date?” “What are some programs that have proved effective in protecting the natural environment? What has made these programs effective? Have they been effective in all the countries where they have been tried?” “How successful has the Convention on the Law of the Sea been in protecting the marine environment?” “Why might countries be hesitant to sign a protocol on climate change?”
C1.2 analyse the roles and responsibilities of international organizations, governments, and companies with respect to the protection of the natural environment
Sample questions: “Why is the United Nations essential to the solution of international environmental problems? What are some of the major sustainability issues that UNESCO and UNEP are working on, and what is their
role in resolving these issues?” “How effective are the strategies of organizations like the Nature Conservancy in protecting the natural environment? What might be some of the barriers to a government’s adopting these strategies?” “What can governments do to protect the environment?” “What legal and moral obligations do companies have with respect to the environment? Why are some companies better stewards of the environment than others? Why is it good for a company to be seen to be environmentally responsible?”
C1.3 analyse the influence of the values and beliefs of individuals and groups (e.g., environmental non-governmental organizations [NGOs]; business advocacy groups; First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people) in shaping public opinion about environ- mental sustainability
Sample questions: “How do First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people typically see the relationship between the environment and humans? What impact have their beliefs had on the Canadian public in general?” “Compare the views of
an environmental NGO, a business advocacy group, and a variety of companies with respect to the environment generally or a specific environmental issue. What are the values and beliefs that underlie their positions? In what ways are they similar? In what ways are they different?” “How does the state of the economy affect the level of public concern about the state of the environment?” “How have individuals such as Rachel Carson, James Lovelock, and David Suzuki influenced thinking about environmental responsibility?”
By the end of this course, students will:

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