Page 200 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 200

 Grade 12, University Preparation
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
A2.2 apply in everyday contexts skills and
work habits developed through geographic investigation (e.g., ask questions to deepen their understanding of a complex global issue; listen to and consider multiple perspectives when discussing an issue; collaborate with a team to determine the criteria that need to be considered when making a decision; use quantitative data to support an idea; use spatial skills to identify relationships between regions of the world)
A2.3 apply the concepts of geographic thinking when analysing current events involving geographic issues (e.g., use the concept of spatial significance when analysing the reasons for a military alliance with another country; use the concept of patterns and trends when analysing
a region’s or country’s vulnerabilities to more
frequent severe weather conditions; use the concept of interrelationships when analysing the connections between consumer choice and labour conditions; use the concept of geographic perspective when analysing a country’s position on a new trade agreement) in order to enhance their under- standing of these issues and their role as informed citizens
A2.4 identify some careers in which a geography background might be an asset (e.g., international development aid worker, policy analyst, environ- mental assessment officer, entrepreneur, GIS specialist, lobbyist, politician, news reporter)

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