Page 172 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 172

 Grade 11, Open
        C3. Stewardship and the Sustainability of Societies
FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Geographic Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
C3.1 explain how tourism can affect the social stability and cultural sustainability of tourist destinations (e.g., erosion of cultural practices and values as traditional activities and objects become commercialized; cultural change through exposure to foreign norms and values; crime; exploitation of labour; child labour; prostitution; social tensions related to uneven distribution of economic benefits of tourism or exclusion from them; repurposing of land with social, cultural, or economic value for the use of tourism development; changes in social structure, roles, and status as new jobs replace traditional activities)
Sample questions: “How can tourism cause traditional ceremonies, customs, and skills to lose their cultural and spiritual significance?” “Why might tourism lead to an increase in crime?” “What are some ways in which the development of a tourist economy can affect
the social structure and social roles in destina- tion communities?” “How can tourism increase the stability and sustainability of a society? How can tourism help restore the stability and sustainability of a society that has experienced or is experiencing catastrophic impacts from conflict or natural disasters?”
Using spatial skills: Students can create a photo essay to illustrate the changes experienced by a specific tourist destination. When interpreting these visuals, students can propose strategies for addressing challenges created by these changes.
C3.2 describe impacts of travel and tourism
on the cultural sustainability of indigenous communities (e.g., Haida in the Queen Charlotte Islands, Maya in southern Mexico, Maoris in New Zealand, Masai in Kenya)
Sample questions: “What are some of the
ways in which indigenous communities can
be negatively affected by tourism? Can tourism also be a useful force for sustaining indigenous cultures and peoples?” “Cultures evolve naturally over time, but tourism can also play a large role in cultural evolution. How?”
 THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies

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