Page 164 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 164

   Overall Expectations and Related Concepts of Geographic Thinking
   Big Ideas*
  Framing Questions*
B. Spatial Organization: Why, Where, and How We Travel
    B1. Spatial Interaction: analyse patterns of spatial interaction between tourist sources and destinations (FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Patterns and Trends)
   Many factors determine where, when, and how people travel .
  Why do people travel?
What services do travellers want to have access to at a location? How might these differ, depending on a traveller’s age or gender or the purpose of his or her trip?
How might you go about selecting a place or places to visit? What criteria would you use to help you make your selection? How might the criteria used
to select a destination be different for another member of your family or for a classmate?
   B2. Spatial Distribution: explain interrelationships between tourism and the spatial distribution of services and attractions in tourist destinations (FOCUS ON: Patterns and Trends; Interrelationships)
   Tourism influences the services and attractions available at a location .
  B3. Choice of Destination: analyse a range of factors that influence tourists’ destination choices (FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Geographic Perspective)
  Political, economic, cultural, and environmental factors influence people’s destination choices .
C. Sustainability, Stewardship, and Tourism
    C1. Impacts of Travel and Tourism: assess impacts of tourism and different modes of travel from a geographic perspective (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective)
  Tourism can affect a destination community politically, economically, culturally, socially, and environmentally .
 How might tourism endanger the environment?
Do the economic gains from tourism outweigh the environmental concerns?
Why is it important to
do some research about social and cultural norms before visiting a foreign destination?
Which strategies and policies have been successful in protecting important natural and cultural sites around the world? What responsibility do tourists have for maintaining the integrity of these sites?
     C2. Sustainable Tourism and Stewardship: analyse strategies for the protection of natural and cultural resources that are essential to tourism, and assess their effectiveness (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective)
  It is important to protect and act responsibly towards the world’s natural and cultural resources .
  C3. Stewardship and the Sustainability of Societies: assess social and cultural impacts of tourism on tourist destinations, and explain the role of good stewardship practices in supporting the social and cultural sustainability of destination communities (FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Geographic Perspective)
   Tourists have a responsibility to support the social and cultural sustainability of destination communities .
 Grade 11, Open
Overview (continued)
Throughout this course, when planning instruction, teachers should weave the expectations from strand A in with the expectations from strands B–E.
Strands B–E
    THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
* See page 17 for a discussion of the purpose of big ideas and framing questions.

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