Page 146 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 146

 Grade 11, University/College Preparation
 E1. Globalization: analyse how globalization has affected the selected region and how the region has responded to it (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective)
E2. Shifting Populations: analyse current as well as historical patterns of population movement and distribution in the selected region (FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Patterns and Trends)
E3. Climate Change and Natural Hazards: explain how climate, including climate change, and natural hazards affect the selected region (FOCUS ON: Patterns and Trends; Interrelationships)
 THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
E1. Globalization
FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
E1.1 assess the impact of globalization on the people of the region (e.g., with reference to human rights, types of jobs and working conditions, quality of life, minority and indigenous cultures)
Sample questions: “How would you measure the short- or long-term impact of globalization in the region?” “Are human rights in the region threatened or improved by globalization?” “How have political and/or social conditions or practices changed as a result of globalization?” “How have working conditions changed as a result of globalization? Are they better or worse than before?” “Has globalization helped or hindered the economic development of the region? What evidence supports your answer?” “What evidence do you see of the globalization of culture in the region?”
Using spatial skills: Students could illustrate data on factors related to globalization – number of MNCs, cultural imports/exports, loss/gain of manufacturing jobs, outsourcing – on a map of the region. Students could annotate the map with their analysis of the impact of globalization in the region.
E1.2 assess the impact of globalization on the natural environment in the region (e.g., loss of forest as a result of demand for grazing land, and its impact on regional and global climate; weak environmental regulations as an inducement to industrial development; invasive species; air
pollution and greenhouse gases from increased industrial production; threats to fresh water supplies as a result of global demands for water; threats to native and heritage vegetation, and animals that depend on them, from genetically modified crops)
Sample questions: “Where would you look for evidence about how globalization is affecting the environment in the region?” “Has environ- mental legislation in the region changed as a result of globalization?” “Are multinational corporations threatening the sustainability of the natural environment in the region?” “Is there evidence that the impact of globalization on the local/regional environment is contributing to global environmental challenges?” “How would you rate the success of this region in protecting the global commons?”
E1.3 describe local, national, regional, and/or international policies and strategies that address issues associated with globalization, and assess their effectiveness (e.g., with reference to anti- globalization movements/protests, movements/ support for rights/land claims of indigenous peoples, local food movements and buy-local campaigns, organic farming, the trend in stores and restaurants towards identifying sustainably harvested fish and other seafood)
Sample questions: “What impact has the increasing flow of goods, people, and services had on human health? What are some strategies that address health issues associated with globalization?” “What are the goals of the antiglobalization movement? How effective
do you think this movement has been in achieving its goals? What are some barriers
to its success?”
By the end of this course, students will:

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