Page 141 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 141

C2.4 describe the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as well as international government aid, in the region (e.g., with reference to which countries in this region receive or contribute to foreign aid; the work of NGOs in areas such as environmental protection, economic development, human rights, alternative income programs), and evaluate their effectiveness in promoting sustainability
Sample questions: “Do countries in this region receive aid from governments and/or NGOs? If so, why? What are some issues that the support targets? What do they tell you about challenges facing this region?” “Which NGOs are most active in this region? Why? Who funds the NGO most active in this region? How might this funding affect attitudes towards this NGO?” “What criteria might you use when evaluating the success of an NGO in the region? What data would you need for such an evaluation?” “Do some countries within this region contribute
to international aid? If so, in what form is aid given? Is the aid given to other countries within the region or to countries in other regions? How do the recipient countries use the aid? Is the aid effective in promoting sustainability within these countries?”
C3. Development Projects/ Megaprojects
FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
C3.1 analyse how development projects, particu- larly, where applicable, megaprojects, affect the sustainability of human and natural systems in the region (e.g., with reference to the development of dams and other hydroelectric projects, public transportation projects, energy pipelines, alternative energy projects, new factories, nuclear power plants, weapons systems, large-scale sports events)
Sample questions: “Who chooses which projects are developed in this region?” “Have countries in this region benefited from large-scale development projects? Did all people in these countries benefit? If not, who did not benefit? In what ways did the projects have a negative impact?” “What impact have some past development projects/megaprojects in this region had on the environment? Do you think they were worth the environmental cost? Why or why not?” “Are new transportation and/or other infrastructure megaprojects necessary for the economic development of this region? Why or why not?”
C3.2 compare the perspectives of different groups on development projects, including, where applicable, megaprojects, in the region
Sample questions: “Why might a government support a megaproject? Why might it refuse
to support, or require modifications to, such a project? Even if it has the support of government, why might some other stakeholders oppose a large-scale development?” “Who has a stake
in a current development project in the region? What are their points of view about it? How would you account for differences in perspec- tives? Which do you agree with? Why?” “Are there indigenous people in this region who have a stake in this project? If so, what is their perspective? Does it differ from that of the governments and/or the businesses/business sectors involved in the construction of the project? If so, how and why?”
C3.3 describe some alternatives to large-scale developments/megaprojects in the region, and explain their advantages and disadvantages (e.g., small-scale alternative energy programs, use of solar or geothermal energy in individual buildings, conservation programs)
Sample questions: “What are some alternative energy sources in this region? Are there programs that promote their development?” “What barriers or challenges exist to the development and implementation of alternative infrastructure projects?” “What are the main disadvantages of large-scale development projects? Why might these disadvantages lead some groups
to advocate for smaller-scale projects? What sorts of challenges or disadvantages might be associated with these smaller projects?”
 Regional Geography

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