Page 134 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 134

 Grade 11, University/College Preparation
 A1. Geographic Inquiry: use the geographic inquiry process and the concepts of geographic thinking when investigating geographic issues in a selected region;
A2. Developing Transferable Skills: apply in everyday contexts skills, including spatial skills, developed through geographical investigation, and identify some careers in which a background in geography might be an asset.
 THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
OVERALL EXPECTATIONS Throughout this course, students will:
A1. Geographic Inquiry
Throughout this course, students will:
A1.1 formulate different types of questions to guide investigations into geographic issues
in the selected region (e.g., factual questions: Which country in the region has the highest income per capita?; comparative questions: Which government strategy is more apt to improve the lives of children in a country, an increase
in funding for education or for food and water safety?; causal questions: How have population shifts had an impact on the region?)
A1.2 select and organize relevant data and infor- mation on geographic issues in the selected region from a variety of primary and secondary sources (e.g., primary: photographs; raw data, both quantitative and qualitative; satellite images; statistics; secondary: atlases, books, charts, digital and print maps, graphs, magazines, newspapers, websites), ensuring that their sources represent a range of perspectives
Sample questions: “How might you use employment, income, and industry statistics
to analyse economic development patterns in different parts of the region? Where might you find this data and information?” “What type of data and information do you need to collect in order to assess the rate of extraction of a specific resource and the impact on the local people?” “What types of maps and graphs will help
you analyse the impact of a megaproject in
the region?”
A1.3 assess the credibility of sources and informa- tion relevant to their investigations (e.g., by
considering how the data are constructed to support the author’s point of view, the possible bias of the author, the expertise of the author, the accuracy
of the text and supporting data, the intended audience, the purpose of the messaging, the context in which the information was presented)
Sample questions: “Whose point of view does this source represent? Is the source biased? Have you consulted other sources that represent other points of view? Which source is most credible and why?” “Are the authors’ conclusions consistent with the data they cite?”
A1.4 interpret and analyse data and information relevant to their investigations, using various tools, strategies, and approaches appropriate for geographic inquiry (e.g., interpret diagrams illustrating the flow of money into and out of the region; analyse graphs and charts showing data related to quality of life indicators for countries in the region to determine trends and correlations; use decision-making templates to help them analyse different points of view on an issue of concern to the region; outline various perspectives on the impact of foreign investment in the region)
Sample questions: “What type of graphic organizer might help you analyse the impact of multinational corporations on the region?” “What data layers and types of information might you include when using a geographic information system (GIS) to analyse the relationship between physical features and natural resources in the region?”
A1.5 use the concepts of geographic thinking (i.e., spatial significance, patterns and trends, interrelationships, geographic perspective) when

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